Operation | Myanmar Humanitarian Support

In Myanmar, delivering aid isn't just about resources—it's about overcoming immense logistical challenges. From impassable roads to conflict zones, reaching those in need requires strategic planning and unwavering determination.

We're committed to navigating these obstacles to ensure no one is left behind.

Mission Statement

“Get the right aid, to the right place, at the right time while keeping humanitarians safe”

Myanmar has an estimated over 18.6 million people in need of aid.

Less than a quarter of the aid requirement is funded.

Myanmar is recognized as the most challenging conditions to deliver aid, due to the ongoing civil war, government restrictions and a complex hazard prone environment with limited infrastructure.

Our Myanmar Humanitarian Support Program focuses on overcoming logistical challenges to deliver essential supplies to vulnerable communities in the most hard-to-reach areas, while enhancing coordination and planning among humanitarian organizations.

Our Myanmar Humanitarian Support Program

  • Humanitarian Logistics Support:

    • "We are dedicated to getting the right aid to the right place at the right time while keeping humanitarians safe. Our teams work tirelessly to navigate conflict zones, impassable roads, and restricted areas to ensure that essential supplies reach those who need them most."

  • Enhancing Coordination and Planning:

    • "We believe that improved coordination and planning among humanitarian organizations are crucial. By sharing information and resources, we optimize resource allocation and enhance the effectiveness of aid delivery."

  • Human Rights Protection and Reporting:

    • "We work with front line organizations to monitor and report human rights violations to enhance accountability and advocacy."

  • Information-Sharing Platform:

    • "We are developing and maintaining a secure, efficient information-sharing platform to facilitate effective communication and collaboration among humanitarian actors operating in Myanmar."

Voices from the field

“What we need is enhanced coordination and information access to deliver aid”

Humanitarian Clean Water Community Leader

“Coordination and Context Information Access is lacking in Myanmar. If you can support that, it is needed”

Humanitarian Coordination Information Management staff

The needs are great but the environment is restricted. Information coordination has complex security and safety considerations for those involved”

Humanitarian operations planner

“Since the coup we have had our headquarters raided and had to withdraw from that location. Now human rights monitoring and humanitarian relief is challenging but we are adapting. We are grateful for support”

Human Rights and Humanitarian Operations Staff

The Impact: Why Your Support Matters.

By enhancing logistics and coordination, we can deliver aid more efficiently and amplify the overall impact of humanitarian efforts across the region.