Empowering Communities. Building Resilience.
Advancing humanitarian capacity, protection, and local leadership
Quick Overview
Recent Initiatives
Research and investigations to support humanitarian protection, access, and accountability to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in Myanmar.
We have worked with partners to establish the capacity for up to 40,000L of clean water a day for communities affected by the Myanmar civil war and natural hazards, with a focus on internally displaced people and refugees. We aim to continue to build upon this early foundation.
A new initiative for digital transformation to support localised anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands.
Humanitarian and Disaster Intelligence Online Training, in which we have enrolled over 70 students.
Focus Regions
Pacific Islands collaborating with the Facility Aiding Localised Engagement (FALE) program of PIANGO
Myanmar with a diverse range of local NGOs and Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) working in border jurisdictions
Monthly Humanitarian Networking Events (Brisbane)
Humanitarian Operations Roster (remote and deployed)
Humanitarian and Development Online Training Courses (click to express interest)